In order to check the cost center assigned to your user, please follow the Setup link on the expense report tool header. The assigned cost center will be available on the Personal Info menu.
• | Is it mandatory to enter any budgeted amount while creating a Trip Request? |
Based on the trip request needs, different amounts may be prefilled with the values defined on Mobileum's Travel And Entertainment Policy document. The Other expense type allows the user to enter any amount they need.
• | How do I request any amount for cash advance? |
If a cash advance is needed, just enter the required amount on the Comments area, on the Trip Request Summary page.There is no need to file a offline file for Pre-trip Request.
• | How can I handle a scenario in which my trip gets extended after my Trip Request is already approved? |
If the trip gets extended, you should submit as soon as possible a new trip request for the remaining days. The previously approved Trip Request will not get changed.
• | Can I match multiple Trip requests with a single Expense Report? |
Yes. All trip requests pertaining to an expense report must be matched with that expense report.
• | My trip got cancelled. How do I cancel the Trip Request that had already been approved? |
Please send an email to the support team asking for the trip request to be cancelled.
• | Where exactly can I upload supporting documents (invoice, bills, etc.) while submitting expense request? |
All the supporting documents should be uploaded on the Expense Report Summary page.
• | How will I come to know that my expense is fully paid? |
Whenever the status of the document changes, whether it gets approved, processed or paid, you always receive an email. The document status is always updated on the tool also, and you can just check.
• | The tool is automatically converting currency for my expense and because of that I am losing some money due to exchange rate difference? What should I do? |
Any exchange rate conversion loss should be entered by the user, when presenting the expense report. The expense type for this is Differences foreign currency Exchange. You should enter the total amount you calculated as a loss. Please don't forget to upload the supporting documents for the entered amount.